In The Screaming Tower

In the Screaming Tower, it's rather hard to hear someone scream...wouldn't you agree?

Thursday, July 25, 2013

To All Those Who Watch

His body is locked with battle.
Heathen Rope versus Golden Ichor of the gods. 
She is trying to protect him.
She is trying to obtain him.
Neither will stop for any reasons.
They both want him.
They may destroy him.
His body is writhing in horrid convulsions.
His very eyes look as they may pop out of his body.
Rutherford is by his side, waiting for the end.
Three may return victorious.
The String Meister, The Ichor Mistress, or perhaps the Father of Death may obtain a new servant.
I suppose we shall just have to wait and see, hm?
-Jarvis Lorry.


  1. Fuck you whatever the fuck your name is. I had a nice long walk and remembered the Brute is near the Tower. So I forgive Daniel. Now let him the fuck go.

  2. I apologize, Miss Murray, but it seems I cannot grant your request. Mistress Ichor has other plans for Mister Thompson.
    And as for the whole bit of "fuck you" I don't believe you actually wish to perform such acts upon me. You don't seem to be the type of woman I would enjoy anyways.
    ~Jarvis Lorry.
