In The Screaming Tower

In the Screaming Tower, it's rather hard to hear someone scream...wouldn't you agree?

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

File 01 and 02

Wow….a lot’s happened today, and most of it has been good. For starters, I woke up to what I think might be the cutest girl ever. And she was straddling me, with a completely blank expression. I was going to ask her name, but then I realized she was just a doll, controlled by Mistress Maple. The doll slid off of my lap, standing rigidly beside me, as the door opened, and Mistress strutted in, her dominant nature practically a physical presence in the room. I sat up and frantically tried to make myself look moderately presentable, putting my glasses on with one hand and combing my hair using my other hand.
Mistress Maple laughed when she saw me trying this. “No need to be so formal.” She chuckled. The following conversation ensued.
Me: Mistress?
Mistress: You like the girl I sent you.
Me: Yes, she’s very pretty.
Mistress: Well, I figured on your next mission, you’ll need a partner, so I’ll release her from her strings, as long as she promises to be your servant.
Me: M-my servant?
Mistress: Yes, of course. You did quite well in the fight yesterday, and I reward those who do well in my service.
Me: Th-thank you, Mistress!
Mistress: You’re quite welcome. Now what do you want to name this girl?
Me: Sylvia seems nice. Due to her silver hair.
Mistress: Very well. Sylvia, do you understand? *The strings covering Sylvia retract slightly, Sylvia nods, Mistress removes the strings completely*
So I now have Sylvia Walters, my servant. First off, I should let you know that’s she’s about 17-ish, has long Silver hair, and has a very……well-shaped body. That’s not the point. The point is she has no memory of who she was once before she became a doll, so she’s a little clingy. She doesn’t want to leave me, the only “normal person” she’s “ever met.” Either way, my mission is to observe each and every single Fear, and write down some notes. My first two………..are Mistress Maple and The Choir. I wrote down some notes on them. I’ll transcribe them here.
File 01: The Wooden Girl.

Alternate Names: Fossil-Type SELKIE, PRE05, Subject Whiskey Gold, The Harlequin, Splinter, The Carved Empress, Miss Shackle, Marionette, Manny Kinn, The Carpenter
Attitude Towards Humans: Hostile
Control Over: Dolls, Mannequins, Strings in General
The Wooden Girl seems to sit on a rather elaborate chair all day in the midst of the Screaming Tower, not doing much. What she does do, though, is call her dolls with the strings, and gives them various orders, and waits for them to carry the orders out. They’re often simple and fairly easy commands, such as a glass of water or a ham sandwich. Why she does this, however, is unknown, as a wooden statue cannot consume food. When she does move, however, she struts around in a manner that would probably get her punched if she was on the streets of any city. If the opponent could land a blow without being sliced to pieces with paper-thin strings. Arguably one of the strongest beings in existance, this woman is one that you would not want to get on the bad side of. Sadly enough, if you’re a human, you most likely are. So throw out your dolls. Cut any loose strings on your clothes. Because she could be there, waiting to take control of you.
          Next up was the Choir. Since they were hanging out around the Screaming Tower, they were easy to find.
          File 02: The Choir

          Alternate Names: Fossil-Type PASSACAGLIA, PRE 07, Subject Charlie Hotel, The Musicians, Echo, Chorus, Banshee, Static, Harvester, The Narrator, The Circling Chant
          Attitude Toward Humans: Mostly Neutral, Hostile if angered
          Control Over: Sound, potentially reality

          The Choir don’t seem to be physical beings. They have a presence, that’s for sure, and can communicate freely with anyone they want to, but they manifest only as shadows. Whether or not there is a physical body elsewhere is unknown. The Choir can change sounds to suit themselves, and can “obfuscate” things, sometimes just sounds of their own that they produce, sometimes real things such as swords or anvils over people’s heads. How they do this is unknown as well. They seem to follow their own agenda that they refuse to share with anyone else, making them very hard to make allies with, because if you’re in the way of their goals somehow, it doesn’t matter who you are, they’ll end you by obfuscating an SUV onto you. They can turn your best friend’s “Hello” into an “I hate you.” They can turn your favorite song into nothing but screaming. There’s no escape from something that can’t be killed, can’t even be harmed. So put on your earmuffs, and hope you don’t run into obfuscation yourself. Close one eye, step to the side.

          Yes, that was a Rapture reference. I read Fearblogs, a lot of them, mostly to learn more about other Proxies, and to see if anyone’s still living I can contact. Having a good network is a good idea. Rapture isn’t strictly a FearBlog, but what Jordan Dooling did there was a work of pure genius, so I read the entire thing.
          Either way, you’ll notice I put my own little creepy spin on things. I just like doing that sort of stuff. Anyways, Mistress Maple told me and Sylvia to go find EAT, get the info, talk to her if possible, and then go with whoever is easiest next.
          ~Thompson out.

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