In The Screaming Tower

In the Screaming Tower, it's rather hard to hear someone scream...wouldn't you agree?

Saturday, February 15, 2014


that jar
its between me and the door
its moving
those fucking tentacles
the door is locked

Friday, February 14, 2014

Insert Fitting Title Here?

Hello ladies and germs, my name is Cynthia. Some of you know me as The Sleepwalker. Danny is a little....funky, and has been ever since he visited his now ex-girlfriend. So I'm writing this in his stead!
So he went to some weird place named The Valley of Song, with me in tow. I saw a lot of Choir Members there, and they kind of spooked me out a bit. I hung really close to Danny, but he smiled and told me not to worry, they wouldn't hurt me. I was on his side, and he was on their side. I almost followed that logic. Sort of. Anyways, he continued through the Valley of Song, looking for the house of Elise Murray. We were looking around, high and low. There were so many houses! More than New York, but they weren't tall like New York. There were people in business suits everywhere, talking on cell phones and holding briefcases and buying hotdogs. Why in the world would there be so many hotdog stands in one place?
Eventually, we found her house, and Danny went inside. I waited outside, and bought a hotdog. It was delicious. I had ketchup and mustard and relish with it, and I bought a Coca-Cola to go with it! It was nice and cold. Even though it was winter, I was hot in pants and a t-shirt. I don't know how the business people stood it.
An hour passed, and I decided to go inside to see if they had made up. When I got inside, what I saw.......was not the case. There was a man next to Elise, and it looked like they were dating. Danny looked glanced at me, and I knew the look. It was a very angry one. I could feel his rage from where I was standing, a good distance away.
In one swift motion, Danny lunged forward with his knife, and stabbed the man next to Elise 26 times, letting him fall to the ground. Elise screamed some sort of curse in Choir-speak, which is a really spooky language Grayskins use to talk, and formed a shotgun in her left hand, and blasted Danny right in the stomach. He staggered backwards, and I ran to help him. Elise was screaming loudly, firing her shotgun wildly, pumping a few blasts at me. Luckily, they didn't hurt me.
I dragged him out of the Valley of Song, and called Sol. Or at least that's what Danny, only half-awake, told me to do. So I called him, and he came in his truck. We got him to an Oathbreaker's clinic quickly enough for them to be able to save him. According to Sol, The Wooden Girl has a deal with The Plague Doctor. The Oathbreakers patch up the Dolls, and the Dolls don't "frick their shiz up." As Sol put it.
After we got back to the Tower, The Choir issued a statement declaring war upon The Wooden Girl. Apparently Danny killed one of their higher-ups, and that was bad.
The Wooden Girl was surprisingly calm. She said she needed to talk to him in her room. Upon going in their, I heard Danny scream for a couple minutes, then he came out, trembling it. He said he didn't want to talk about it.
He's been pretty depressed for a while, and it wasn't until today that he finally cheered up a bit. He still didn't feel like writing this though, so I wrote it for him!
Anyways, Cat went into his room, where I spend most of my time, and gave him a box of chocolates. He didn't open it then, though, something about "Cat being allergic to it" or something. Long story short, they're now a couple. Danny and Cat are dating now. They're sleeping together right now, and I notice Cat's tail is coiled around Danny's arm. It's kind of cute.
Oh by the way, an Archivist stopped by today and gave a list of current alliances to The Wooden Girl, and it's been passed around since. I'm pretty sure you all know it fairly well by now, but I'll put it up anyways.

The Blind Man and The Wooden Girl
The Archangel, The Choir, The Rake, and The Vision
The Plague Doctor and The Slender Man
The Convocation, EAT, and The Intrusion
The Deep and DEVOUR (There's a scary one)
The Cold Boy, The Mother of Snakes, and The Unnamed Child
Jack Of All, The Pandorean Jar, and The Unbounded Face (I have no idea who any of them are...)

And now I'm gonna go back to listening to Eminem. I love his music. "Just Lose It" is my favorite! Any one else like Eminem?
Cynthia out~<3