In The Screaming Tower

In the Screaming Tower, it's rather hard to hear someone scream...wouldn't you agree?

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Thinking With Portals

So today, I was awoken early by Sylvia. I could crashing and banging outside my room, and all the Dolls seemed to be rushing about.
"Hrrrm, Sylvia, what's happening?" I said, while stretching and yawning.
"Blind Man call meeting for all Fears. Says very important news!" Sylvia spoke quickly, helping me get dressed and helping me stand up on my crutches. I'm not even embarrassed by this anymore, I've come to accept it. Slowly, I hobbled out of my room and tried to find Mistress. After hobbling awkwardly down two flights of stairs, I find her waiting by the entrance.
"There you are!" Mistress said exasperatedly, putting a hand on her hip. She looked visibly disturbed, which is pretty impressive for a painted face on a wooden puppet. "Now let's go!" She turned and walked away, not even giving me time to get my crutches prepared. It was a long hike through the Empty City, I'll say that much. There was just Mistress, me, and Sylvia to help me along heading there. Apparently Mistress uses me because 'I have the most experience speaking and dealing with the Fears.' Whatever.
When we actually made it there, there was a complete clusterfuck of Fears and proxies. I could barely pick people and Fears apart. We found a few metal folding chairs and sat down, and waited for the meeting to begin.
"Alright everyone, sit down please, and we'll begin." The Blind Man began, and everyone sat. "The Archangel." He said.
"Here." Archie said, annoyed that The Blind Man was taking rollcall.
"The Black Dog."
"Woof." The Black Dog barked, sitting in the back, staring intently at anyone who met their gaze.
"The Brute."
"Be glad I have graced your presence, foolish mortals." A cloud of smoke in the front responded.
"Yes, your majesty." The Blind Man muttered sarcasticly under his breath, making no attempts to hide his dismay. "The Burning Bride."
"Here." The Burning Bride raised her hand, sitting in a half-melted folding chair. I almost felt bad for her.
"The Choir."
"Here." Elise spoke for them.
"The Cold Boy."
"Here." A voice piped up, and the Cold Boy bolted up in his seat, somewhere to the right of us.
"The Convocation."
A screech from the closest tree told us all we needed to know.
"The Dying Man."
Multiple hands raised and a multitude of voices all shouted at the same time.
"Here!" Three female Campers sang out in perfect harmony. EAT must have a fun life, doing stuff like that.
"The Eye."
"I am here, O sightless one." A voice boomed from overhead.
"The Grotesque."
A man lying on the ground began convulsing and screeching "H-h-h-EEEEEEEEERRRRE!" The man screamed, then silent.
The Blind Man looked disturbed. "Ooookay. The Intrusion."
Bugs skittered to the front, then skittered back throughout the crowd to a Drone slumped over a chair in the back.
"The Manufactured Newborn."
"The Infant is present." A Towerborn spoke flatly from the same general area as The Cold Boy. Sure glad I didn't become one of those.
"The Mother of Snakes."
"I am here." A lamia to the direct left of us said. Adrift was holding her left hand, and she looked over and grinned her reptilian grin at me. I felt a chill go down my spine. Mistress flipped her off.
"The Nightlanders....what am I saying, of course there are Nightlanders. Moving on....The Plague Doctor." The Blind Man corrected his mistake.
"Our Lord is here." An Oathbreaker spoke, him and multiple others sitting around The Plague Doctor in a circle.
"The Quiet isn't here...The Rake." The Blind Man said.
The Rake simply walked up to The Blind Man, turned around, and walked back to the back left of us, where he was sitting.
"The Red Cap."
"Heeeeeeeere!" Red's sickeningly sweet voice rang out in the city.
"The Slender Man."
"Here." A proxy spoke for him.
"The Smiling Man."
"Here, my pretty!" I heard him yell from the back.
"Smiley, can you not be a creeper just this fucking once?" Archie yelled at him.
"Ahem. The Unnamed Child."
"I'm here!" Adrift yelled, still gripping The Mother of Snakes's hand.
"The Wooden Girl."
"Took you long enough." Mistress responded indignantly.
"Ah, yes, well....this is why I called you all here. All of our lives are in danger. And not because of each other." The Blind Man began, and waited for the whisperings and mutterings to quiet down. "In an alternate dimension, not far from this one in the grand scale of the multiverse, the Quiet has completely consumed a universe. Now, as we all know, The Quiet is the only trans-dimensional amongst us. There is only one of it. But there are multiple versions of all others. All of us. And unlike most times when this happens, they lived. And they're coming here. And we all know what that will ultimately mean."
"Does that mean I get a new playmate?" The Cold Boy raised his hand.
"No, it means they're gonna try to forcefully remove us from power." The Blind Man responded. "Kill us." Again, he waited for the commotion to die down. "I have called us all here not only to inform you of the circumstances, but to ask for a temporary cease-fire on each other. We all need to come together if we are to live."
"How long do we have?" Mistress asked.
"I'm unsure of that, but I'd say a week at the maximum. So over the next few days, I would advise you to strengthen your forces and defenses on your domains." The Blind Man kept going. "They won't have many proxies with them, if any, so there's that. This meeting is now adjourned." Everyone instantly began leaving, and Mistress was in a hurry to get back.
"Come on, hurry up!" She was yelling at me the whole way back, and Sylvia and I were trying to keep up.
So it was a long day. Even as I'm typing, I can hear hammering and sawing. So I'm gonna try to sleep now.

~Thompson out.

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