In The Screaming Tower

In the Screaming Tower, it's rather hard to hear someone scream...wouldn't you agree?

Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Sleepwalker

Merry fucking Christmas to anyone who still bothers reading this blog. I should be at the Tower with my girlfriend and friends, but no, instead, I'm listening to the Wallflowers in my Prius with a sleeping 14-year old girl in the back. 
It all started back on the 22nd. Elise called me. She was crying. "Baby, what's wrong?" I asked. The next words freaked me the fuck out.
"I'm pregnant." She replied, and that was all. We were both silent for several minutes, but after a little while my brain went out of it and I ensured her I would stick with her and all that. I haven't heard from her since.
On the 23rd, I was trailing another possible lead, this time from the Blind Man himself, when I found a girl sitting on the steps of a house in the middle of Brooklyn.
"Are you okay?" I asked her, as she was slowly rocking back and forth, her eyes wide open. 
"Who, me? Me, who? Yes you? How do you do?" She asked me, looking me dead in the face.
"Uh......I'm fine. What's your name?" I asked her.
"Sleepwalker is what they call me." 
I had heard of the The Sleepwalker. The only successful runner from the Grotesque. She was of folklore and legend in the Doll community, and no one knew much about her. In fact, we all thought she was a he until then. 
"Your name is? Name is yours?" She asked me.
"Daniel." I replied.
"Daniel is your name. Your name is Daniel. That's a good name. A good name is that." She replied. 
This chick is utterly fucking insane.
"What are you afraid of?" She suddenly asked me.
"I'm a Willing Doll." I replied concisely, knowing what she was getting at. "Look, have you seen The Vision around?"
"Many visions I have seen, but none of her. Her of none, the visions but I have seen many." Jesus. 
"Okay.....have you seen any Scions?" I asked her.
"Many I have seen, and I have seen many. Along with the cult, the cult along with." She replied. Fuck, the timberwolves seem to be working with her.
"Where did you see them?" I questioned her. 
"The park in the central. In the Central Park." She responded. "I can lead you. You can lead I." 
"Come on, then." I helped her up, and I then drove to Manhatten with her. She lead me to the exact spot. Nothing. 
But since then I've been getting quite a few leads to Scions, haven't found any yet, but she's started traveling with me. Can't say I exactly mind the company.
We even had a little Christmas. I gave her an old Genesis CD, and she gave me a pair of socks that she swore were magical. She may be insane, but I don't mind her.
~Thompson out.


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