In The Screaming Tower

In the Screaming Tower, it's rather hard to hear someone scream...wouldn't you agree?

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Hide And Seek Is Won

I'm so glad I found The Sleepwalker when I did. It was because of her that I found The Vision. She told me that she saw in a dream of hers, she saw The Vision in a house in New Jersey. Sure enough, we found her there. She said nothing to me, even when I had my knife pointed at her, which was mostly a gesture to show I wasn't afraid of her. The Sleepwalker had two handguns pointed at her, again mostly pointless. For a crazy 14-year old girl, she sure is packing heat.
She said nothing to me, she simply pointed to my head, and tapped it, and I fell backwards. Instantly, I saw several things. Elise giving birth. A double hourglass carved in a burnt rose garden. Sylvia's dead body. A shotgun. Darkness. My own hands, covered in blood. The Archangel, holding Cat by the tail. Whether she was alive, I couldn't tell. Tyrone dying right in front of me. A large snowbank. A patchwork vulture standing on a skeleton. Several other flashes of things I couldn't quite comprehend. I then blacked out. Ah well, I'm not going to muse on those things too much, I know how The Vision works.
When I came to, there was a note lying on the floor. It read "yOuR sUsPiCiOnS aRe TrUe." And I guess it was written by the vision. I suppose it was difficult to write with those massive claws. So this meant she was working with The Archangel.
Afterwards, I called up Mistress to tell her about my findings. When I finished, I asked her if I could come back to The Tower. She said no. Apparently, because of this, this means that I have to FIND ALL THE OTHER HYPOTHETICAL FEARS AND MAKE SURE THE SAME THING DOESN'T HAPPEN FUCKING HELL.
At least The Sleepwalker's willing to see it through with me. So now I'm off to find them, any of them. Lydia, if you know where any of them are, please let me know. It would make my life SO much easier.
~Thompson out.

1 comment:

  1. Hey there! Meet me at that one bar I told you about! Sorry about not being on lately, my birds insisted i get a Mac...
