In The Screaming Tower

In the Screaming Tower, it's rather hard to hear someone scream...wouldn't you agree?

Monday, May 20, 2013

Usual Days

So once again, another boring day while we wait for a good Fear to go observe. The Black Dog’s slash wasn’t very deep, so I can get away with a gauze pad on my hand with some adhesive tape, instead of the full hand wrap. Here’s a list of the Fears we still need to observe:
          The Archangel (Not gonna have fun with that one)
          The Blind Man
          The Brute
          The Burning Bride
          The Cold Boy
          The Dying Man (That one’ll be difficult)
          The Eye (Again, difficult, cause I won’t be able to look at it, a member of Judgment’ll probably be necessary for that one)
          The Grotesque (OBSERVING A DREAM)
          The Intrustion
          The Mother of Snakes
          The Plague Doctor
          The Quiet (Looking at nothing…
          The Red Cap
          The Rake
          The Slender Man
          The Smiling Man
          The Unnamed Child
          So we have more to do than we’ve completed. Sigh. What’s worse, is that the SlenderProxies seem to be at a truce with the Timberwolves. I thought they’d been warring for several millenia now. I mean, damn. I think they’re teaming up with us. So from what I can tell, for servants, it’s the Dolls, Grayskins, and Campers versus the Timberwolves, SlenderProxies, and Maenads. Because we all know the Rake and The Slender Man are totally working together.
          Anyways, Sylvia and I had a lot of fun together. No, not like that. We played Video Games. I didn’t even know Mistress had an Xbox 360. We played (And by we, I mean Mistress participated) in playing Halo 4, where we all had headsets and would yell things like “Noob, I’m Harlequin’s Vassal!” (That’s what my proper title is) Or “Bitch, you can’t handle the power of strings!” And basically utterly baffle everyone. Also, it seems Sylvia has a great deal of gamer rage. It was kind of terrifying to watch. Maybe even scarier than The Black Dog.
          Either way, I took a shower and went for a walk through the Empty City. I didn’t see any Fears, save for a Choir member who tagged along to make sure I was safe and the occasional Nightlander. I mean, I had my Knife with me, sure, but there’s something reassuring about having a Fear watching over you. I had to duck down an alley to avoid a few Timberwolves at one point, but other than that I was more or less unhindered in my walk. I must’ve walked a few miles, cause I was feeling a little lost, and I asked The Empty City which was the quickest way back, and street signs pointing to it popped out of the ground, disappearing as I passed them.
          Anyways, hopefully Sylvia and I’ll have a plan tomorrow. Now I have to go. We’re gonna watch Nightmare on Elm Street together, the original, mind you.
          ~Thompson out.

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